Survey FAQ

Part 1: Culture Survey

What is the Culture Survey?
Who is ECI?
How is this survey different from the Values Poll I took in 2019?
How can you capture the opinions of such a large community?
Is the Culture Survey confidential?
Who is receiving the survey invitation?
If I was hired after the cutoff date noted above, can I attend information sessions on survey results?
How will I receive the survey invitation?
I sent an email to; why didn’t I get a response?
Will there be any in-person engagements for this survey?
What demographic information will be included in the Culture Survey?
How long will it take to complete the Culture Survey?
Will a paper survey be available?
Will a translated survey be available?
What if I need to exit the survey before finishing?
Will the Culture Survey be used for research?
What if I have additional questions about the Culture Survey?
What if I need assistance with ADA accessibility and taking the survey?
What if I need to reset my password or receive other technical support at USC?
What If I want to report misconduct at USC?

Part 2: Sharing Survey Results

What happens after the surveys are completed?
How will results be shared?
How will the survey results and analysis reports be broken down?
Who will be invited to the report-back and discussion sessions?
What if I can’t attend the report-back and discussion sessions in person?
Will I be able to access results as they relate to my division, school or unit?
What will change as a result of this survey?

Part 3: Culture Journey

What is the USC Culture Journey?
How did the Culture Journey get started?
Why are we assessing our culture?
What is organizational culture?
What infrastructure is in place to sustain the Culture Journey?
Where can I learn more about USC’s Culture Journey?
How can I join the Culture Network?